Younger leaves show interveinal chlorosis and necrosis which occurs in irregular patches. Whitish spots develop within the brown necrotic tissue.
Symptoms may also start on older leaves.
Zinc deficiency.
Generally the leaves are smaller with Zn deficiency, and the plants are stunted in growth.
Younger leaves show interveinal chlorosis and tipburn. Whitish spots can develop within the brown necrotic tissue.
The leaf blades are small, narrow and cupped upward. Shoots can be stunted.
Zinc deficiency.
Generally the leaves are smaller with Zn deficiency, and the plants are stunted in growth.
With zinc deficiency, leaves are smaller and growth is stunted.
The leaves are deformed and fold inwards ('fern leaf of potato' ).
Greyish brown to bronze coloured blotches appear first on the middle of the leaves, later all over the foliage.
Zinc deficiency.
In potatoes, zinc deficiency symptoms are variable. Generally the leaves are smaller and the plants are stunted in growth.
Younger leaves show interveinal chlorosis. Whitish spots can develop within the affected tissue.
The leaf blades are small, narrow and cupped upward.
Zinc deficiency.
In potatoes, zinc deficiency symptoms are variable. Generally the leaves are smaller and the plants are stunted in growth.
With Zinc deficiency, leaves are smaller and growth is stunted.
The leaves are deformed and folded inwards ('fern leaf of potato' ).
Mature leaves are affected most: greyish brown to bronze coloured blotches appear first on the middle of the leaves, later all over the foliage. Leaf blades show interveinal chlorosis.
Zinc deficiency.
In potatoes, zinc deficiency symptoms are variable. Generally the leaves are smaller and the plants are stunted in growth.
Asia and Oceania